Fri. Sept. 10/10 - Media Awareness
- Today, we are booked into the K-library computer lab to type good copies of the annotated bibliographies. Use alphabetical order and hanging indent format. See this example.
- When you are finished, try one or two of the online quizzes:
- Facebook privacy quiz (developed by the American Civil Liberties Union)
- What Kind of Tech User Are You? (Pew Research Center)
Thurs. Sept. 9/10 - Privacy in the Digital Age
- Today we'll watch the video below and continue completing the annotated bibliography assignment. We'll be in the library lab tomorrow to type good copies.
- In the last 20 - 30 minutes we'll be in the library to check out silent reading books for next week.
"Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion." Democracy Now. (Parts 1 & 2)
Wednesday, Sept. 8/10 - Privacy in the Digital Age
Today, we're discussing how privacy is impacted by the media and technology we interact with on a daily basis.
Tues. Sept. 7 - Welcome to English 11.
Today we will review the course outline and expectations.
Discussion Items:
- Seating plan
- Course blog
- Silent reading
- Study block
- Academic aspirations
- Evaluation
- Assignment completion
- Essays
- Tests
- Re-writes / add-on assignment
- Cross-grade exam
- Email contact (assignments only)
- Literary theme(s) of this course
- Media literacy unit / review