- 20 min. silent reading
- Review formal and informal essay style. Underline the five most important characteristics of each and summarize on a Venn diagram.
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for two samples of travel media.
- See the MLA annotated bibliography sample.
- Block F: group discussion on fascinating questions about media.
Thurs. Feb. 2
- 20 min. silent reading
- comma review and exercises
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for two samples of travel media.
- See the MLA annotated bibliography sample.
Wed. Feb. 1
- 20 min. silent reading / write out your fascinating media question and hand in.
- Discuss MLA and APA bibliography formats.
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for two samples of travel media.
- See the MLA annotated bibliography sample.
Tues. Jan. 31
- 20 min. silent reading / Blk. G complete paragraph explaining the concept of media bias.
- Review formal and informal essay style. Underline the five most important characteristics of each and summarize on a Venn diagram.
- Discuss MLA bibliography formats.
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for one sample of travel media.
Mon. Jan. 30 - Welcome to English 11.
Today we will review the course outline and expectations.
Discussion Items:
- Seating plan
- Course blog
- Silent reading
- Study block
- Academic aspirations
- Evaluation
- Assignment completion
- Essays
- Tests
- Re-writes / add-on assignment
- Cross grade exam
- Email contact (assignments only). Parents should phone school.
- Literary theme(s) of this course: Dreams and self-determination
- Media literacy unit / review
Detecting Bias in the News
Current news topic- Northern Gateway Pipeline:
-Identify types of bias in this MSN news clip: Opposing the pipeline
-Identify types of bias in the Enbridge video clip