Fri. Jan. 6/12 Homework for Mon. Jan. 9th: Finish ch. 7
- Watch Part 1 of the Homer Hickam interview; then continue reading October Sky and working on the ch. 3, 5, and 7 assignments.
Thurs., Jan. 5/12 Homework for Fri. Jan. 6th: Read ch. 3 and 4
- Review chapter 1 and 2 questions.
- discuss the essay and ch. 3, 5 and 7 assignments.
Wed., Jan. 4/12 Homework for Thurs. Jan. 5: Read ch. 1 and 2.
- In our final month of English 11, we'll be reading the novel October Sky. This memoir, written by Homer Hickam, is the first of Hickam's Coalwood trilogy, which also includes The Coalwood Way and Sky of Stone.
- October Sky, originally published as Rocket Boys, is set in Coalwood, West Virginia. Watch the video below to learn about this town.
Tues. Jan. 3, 2012
- Today, we will finish watching Part 2 of the documentary To the Last Drop.
- After viewing this film, work alone or in partnerships to develop a list of ten (10) things you can choose to do with the information you have acquired from the film.
Part Two
NOTE: The Alberta government has produced an informational video on the Oil Sands that provides an interesting comparison to the tone and focus of the AlJazeera documentary.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Dec. 12 - 16: Current Affairs Documentary / Self-Determination
***Term 2 Interim Reports were issued on Mon. Dec. 12th***
***Due Wed. Dec. 14: Macbeth Modern Day Warrior project******Due Fri. Dec. 16: Personal Legend Book Tour
Tues. Dec. 13 / Wed. Dec. 14 / Thurs. Dec. 15 / Fri. Dec. 16
- Labs are booked for Tues., Wed., and Thurs.
- Start work on the Google Presentation "Personal Legend Book Tour." You have three classes to create your tour.
- Use the Google Presentation template. See the sample slides.
Mon. Dec. 12
- The UN Climate Conference in Durban, SA wrapped up on the weekend. View the speech from a youth delegate at the end of this conference. Does her message have significance for you? Where does the power to have influence on this issue need to come from?
View the AlJazeera documentary To The Last Drop. Make notes on the documentary analysis worksheet.
Part One
Part Two
NOTE: The Alberta government has produced an informational video on the Oil Sands that provides an interesting comparison to the tone and focus of the AlJazeera documentary.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Dec. 6 - 9: Macbeth
***Term 2 Interim Reports issued next week (rescheduled due to teacher absence)***
***Tues. Dec. 6: 100 mark multiple-choice Macbeth test******Fri. Dec. 9: Macbeth Character Essay Due
Thurs. Dec. 8 - Fri. Dec. 9
- Start on the Modern Day Warrior Macbeth assignment.
- You have 2 lab classes for this project.
- First, import the Google template (click "use this template") and read the instructions.
Next, complete these 3 tasks:
- 1. Use the Modern Day Warrior Machine to create your fresh comic book version of Macbeth. You do not have to use colour as you will be printing it in black and white.
***School Computer Printing Instructions: Print the screen shot of your warrior by following this path to print: click on the K at the bottom of your screen; click graphics; click KSnapshot (select region to size the image); print.
- 2. After you've printed the warrior image that you created, write a descriptive paragraph about your comic book Macbeth in the Google Docs template.
- 3. Finally, name and paste head shots of three actors that you'd invite to audition for the movie version of your comic book Macbeth character into the bottom of the template.
Wed. Dec. 7
- review a copy of the Macbeth graphic novel.
- complete the Macbeth graphic novel assignment (20 marks). Hand it in this class.
Tues. Dec. 6
- 15 minutes notebook review for test
- Write 100 mark multiple-choice Macbeth test
- Free reading time when finished.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Nov. 28 - Dec. 2: Macbeth
***Fri. Dec. 9: Macbeth Character Essay Due
***Tues. Dec. 6: 100 mark multiple-choice Macbeth Test. Review handouts and practice quizzes: Macbeth Quiz #1 - Quiz #2 - Quiz #3 - Quiz #4
Wed. Nov. 30 - Fri. Dec. 2 Macbeth Online Play
- The lab is booked for work on your Macbeth character essays.
- See last Friday's instructions for links.
- When finished, use remaining time to complete overdue assignments, finish Macbeth review questions [Episode 9 (Act V sc 1); Episode 10 (Act V sc 2-5); Episode 11 (Act V sc 6-7)] and study for the 100 mark test on Tuesday, Dec. 6.
Mon. Nov. 28 - Tues. Nov. 29 Macbeth Online Play
- Review Episode 5 (Act III sc 1-3)and Episode 6 (Act III sc 4)
- Review sheets for Episode 7 (Act III sc 5 - Act IV sc 1); Episode 8 (Act IV sc 2-3)
- finish viewing the movie Macbeth (1971 Roman Polanski version).
Friday, November 18, 2011
Nov. 21 - 25: Macbeth
Term 2 Assignments Overdue: Short Story (25); Sonnet (18)
Due Nov. 21: Blog (64)
Due Nov. 28: Survey Project (25)
100 mark multiple-choice Macbeth Test on Tues. Dec. 6. Review handouts and practice quizzes:
Macbeth Quiz #1 - Quiz #2 - Quiz #3 - Quiz #4
100 mark multiple-choice Macbeth Test on Tues. Dec. 6. Review handouts and practice quizzes:
Macbeth Quiz #1 - Quiz #2 - Quiz #3 - Quiz #4
Please do this survey : Fast-Food Preferences
Fri. Nov. 25 Macbeth Online Play
- Essay Assignment: In the lab, you'll be working on the first and second paragraphs of your five paragraph essay on Macbeth's character.
(45 marks) Your five paragraph essay should include:
Essay: Macbeth's Character
45 marks - Essay must include:
An original title (2)
Introduction paragraph with clear thesis statement (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as a general (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as a husband (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as king (6)
Concluding paragraph (6)
2 primary source in-text citations (MLA format) (4)
2 secondary source in-text citations (MLA) (4)
reference list (MLA format; hanging indent; alphabetical) (5)
Here is a sample introductory paragraph that you can use or modify:
The tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is a play about unchecked ambition. The central figure Macbeth is a complex character whose decisions and actions ultimately destroy his own humanity. Macbeth displays conflicting traits and behaviors that are revealed through his roles as military general, husband, and king.
- Review Macbeth's character traits below:
Military General (trusted, brave, loyal, noble, courageous, respected, and skilled; capable of killing in battle; seen as protector; takes pride in his actions; influenced by witches, mentally stable; has friends and is part of a fraternity of Thanes)
Husband (faithful/ loving toward wife; wants to please wife and have her think he is manly; influenced/manipulated by wife; ambitious; experiences self-doubt/remorse over plotting, decisions and actions; realizes his desires are corrupt; his anxiety over Duncan's murder leads to emotional torment/hallucinations; poisonous partnership)
King (not virtuous; corruptly crowned; suspicious, paranoid, self-centred, distrustful, and vengeful; insomniac; mentally unstable; becomes increasingly murderous; detached and alone)
MLA Format
- Add 2 primary source quotes and references (from the play).
- Add 2 secondary source quotes and references (found outside the play).
***Use MLA style on the Citation Machine or citation button on Shmoop and Cliff Notes. Consult your MLA Citation - Shakespeare handout.
***Primary Source Reference Example:
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Ed. Roma Gill. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. (use hanging indent)
***Secondary Source Reference Example:
Gill, Roma, ed. "Macbeth: The Man" in Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. (use hanging indent)
***Arrange reference list in alphabetical order; hanging indent MLA format.
Other secondary sources:
Read "Macbeth: The Man" pp. xx-xxiii
Shmoop Macbeth
Cliff Notes
45 marks - Essay must include:
An original title (2)
Introduction paragraph with clear thesis statement (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as a general (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as a husband (6)
paragraph on Macbeth's character as king (6)
Concluding paragraph (6)
2 primary source in-text citations (MLA format) (4)
2 secondary source in-text citations (MLA) (4)
reference list (MLA format; hanging indent; alphabetical) (5)
Here is a sample introductory paragraph that you can use or modify:
The tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is a play about unchecked ambition. The central figure Macbeth is a complex character whose decisions and actions ultimately destroy his own humanity. Macbeth displays conflicting traits and behaviors that are revealed through his roles as military general, husband, and king.
- Review Macbeth's character traits below:
Military General (trusted, brave, loyal, noble, courageous, respected, and skilled; capable of killing in battle; seen as protector; takes pride in his actions; influenced by witches, mentally stable; has friends and is part of a fraternity of Thanes)
Husband (faithful/ loving toward wife; wants to please wife and have her think he is manly; influenced/manipulated by wife; ambitious; experiences self-doubt/remorse over plotting, decisions and actions; realizes his desires are corrupt; his anxiety over Duncan's murder leads to emotional torment/hallucinations; poisonous partnership)
King (not virtuous; corruptly crowned; suspicious, paranoid, self-centred, distrustful, and vengeful; insomniac; mentally unstable; becomes increasingly murderous; detached and alone)
MLA Format
- Add 2 primary source quotes and references (from the play).
- Add 2 secondary source quotes and references (found outside the play).
***Use MLA style on the Citation Machine or citation button on Shmoop and Cliff Notes. Consult your MLA Citation - Shakespeare handout.
***Primary Source Reference Example:
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Ed. Roma Gill. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. (use hanging indent)
***Primary Source In-Text Citation Example:
Macbeth begins to unravel even before he commits murder: "A dagger of the mind, a false creation,/ Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?" (Mac. 2.1.38-39)***Secondary Source Reference Example:
Gill, Roma, ed. "Macbeth: The Man" in Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. (use hanging indent)
***Secondary Source In-Text Citation Example:
Macbeth seems easily influenced; "Macbeth 'catches' evil" (Gill xx) through the influences of his wife and the witches.***Arrange reference list in alphabetical order; hanging indent MLA format.
Other secondary sources:
Read "Macbeth: The Man" pp. xx-xxiii
Shmoop Macbeth
Cliff Notes
Thurs. Nov. 24 Macbeth Online Play
- Review the Episode 3 (Act II sc. 1-2) and Episode 4 (Act II sc. 3-4) questions.
- Continue work on Episode 5 (Act III sc 1-3)and Episode 6 (Act III sc 4)
- Start Macbeth movie. If you're absent you can watch parts of the PBS version of the movie online:
Watch Macbeth on PBS. See more from GREAT PERFORMANCES.
Wed. Nov. 23 Macbeth Online Play
- 20 min. silent reading and Episode question completion.
- watch DVD Macbeth Basics
- Review the Episode 3 (Act II sc. 1-2) and Episode 4 (Act II sc. 3-4) questions.
- Continue work on Episode 5 (Act III sc 1-3)and Episode 6 (Act III sc 4)
Tues. Nov. 22 Macbeth Online Play
- 20 min. silent reading and assignment completion
- View the Characters of Macbeth DVD
- Use your Oxford Press edition of Macbeth and finish work on the Episode 1 questions (Act I sc. 1-4). Continue on with the episode 2 questions (Act I sc. 5-7)
- Start the Episode 3 (Act II sc. 1-2) and Episode 4 (Act II sc. 3-4) questions.
Mon. Nov. 21
- Find out about the curse. Why is Macbeth often called the Scottish Play?
- Review the plot summary of Macbeth
- Use your Oxford Press edition of Macbeth and start work on the Episode 1 questions (Act I sc. 1-4). Continue on with the episode 2 questions (Act I sc. 5-7)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Nov. 14 - 18: Poetry / Survey Project
Thurs. Nov. 17 and Fri. Nov. 18 - Survey Project and assignment completion.
- If you were absent on Wednesday, review the instructions on Wednesday's post for putting your survey online. I will add your survey to the lists below when you've put the hyperlinked survey title on "student survey" (see #3 below).
- When your survey has been successfully put online, complete the following:
---complete other students' surveys from blocks B and C
---monitor your survey results on your spreadsheet view.
---finish your short story and print it to hand in.
---finish your poetry blog and email the link to me (include your name in the subject line; paste the blog's URL in the message)
---finish your sonnet to hand in.
---if you've finished everything, view this video: Beware Online Filter Bubbles
Blk. B Surveys
Movies and your life
Global Warming
Skipping at school (optional)
Glasses or Contacts
Sleeping Behavior
Windows Vs Apple
Cake Or Ice Cream
How you use your time
Violence in Video Games
Favourite Activities
Xbox, Ps3 or the... Wii
Fast-Food Preferences
Food is Delicious
Tatoos Yay Or Nay?
drinking and driving
Movie Preferences
Blk. C Surveys
Chocolate or Candy?
Skiing or Boarding?
Do We Judge People
Products tested on Animals
Skipping School
Less Homework
Media and Society
SKSS Dodgeball Rules
Vancouver Canucks
Your View on the Death Penalty
Pop Punk vs. Dubstep
Samsung vs Apple
drinking and driving
Winter Sports
Video Games
Wed. Nov. 16 - Survey Project
1. - Edit the survey template by selecting the "use this template" button. This will import the template into your Google Docs account. Share the template, through the spreadsheet view, with any members of your group.
2. - When you have completed your online survey, copy the link to the live survey form.
3. - Click on Student Surveys and add your survey to this editable page. Use the link button to hyperlink your survey title. Check that your hyperlink works.
4. - Participate in other students' online surveys from the same page.
5. - Check your Google Forms spreadsheet for your own survey results. Share your survey link on other social networking sites if you want to increase your survey participation.
Tues. Nov. 15 - Survey Project
- 20 min. for silent reading or sonnet completion.
- Assignment: Work alone or with one or two partners to develop a student survey on a topic of interest to you and/or your partner(s).
- Once you've decided on a topic and a key question of inquiry, develop eight to ten well-written survey questions.
- You will be in the lab on Wed., Thurs., and Fri. to put your survey online, participate in other surveys, and examine and report on your results. You can use the Google Forms survey template in the lab to publish your survey online.
Mon. Nov. 14
- 20 min. for silent reading.
- Complete your sonnet (any topic). Use the template (p. 9) and instructions on the Shakespearean Sonnet (see page 10-11)
- If you were absent on Wednesday, review the instructions on Wednesday's post for putting your survey online. I will add your survey to the lists below when you've put the hyperlinked survey title on "student survey" (see #3 below).
- When your survey has been successfully put online, complete the following:
---complete other students' surveys from blocks B and C
---monitor your survey results on your spreadsheet view.
---finish your short story and print it to hand in.
---finish your poetry blog and email the link to me (include your name in the subject line; paste the blog's URL in the message)
---finish your sonnet to hand in.
---if you've finished everything, view this video: Beware Online Filter Bubbles
Blk. B Surveys
Movies and your life
Global Warming
Skipping at school (optional)
Glasses or Contacts
Sleeping Behavior
Windows Vs Apple
Cake Or Ice Cream
How you use your time
Violence in Video Games
Favourite Activities
Xbox, Ps3 or the... Wii
Fast-Food Preferences
Food is Delicious
Tatoos Yay Or Nay?
drinking and driving
Movie Preferences
Blk. C Surveys
Chocolate or Candy?
Skiing or Boarding?
Do We Judge People
Products tested on Animals
Skipping School
Less Homework
Media and Society
SKSS Dodgeball Rules
Vancouver Canucks
Your View on the Death Penalty
Pop Punk vs. Dubstep
Samsung vs Apple
drinking and driving
Winter Sports
Video Games
Wed. Nov. 16 - Survey Project
1. - Edit the survey template by selecting the "use this template" button. This will import the template into your Google Docs account. Share the template, through the spreadsheet view, with any members of your group.
2. - When you have completed your online survey, copy the link to the live survey form.
3. - Click on Student Surveys and add your survey to this editable page. Use the link button to hyperlink your survey title. Check that your hyperlink works.
4. - Participate in other students' online surveys from the same page.
5. - Check your Google Forms spreadsheet for your own survey results. Share your survey link on other social networking sites if you want to increase your survey participation.
Tues. Nov. 15 - Survey Project
- 20 min. for silent reading or sonnet completion.
- Assignment: Work alone or with one or two partners to develop a student survey on a topic of interest to you and/or your partner(s).
- Once you've decided on a topic and a key question of inquiry, develop eight to ten well-written survey questions.
- You will be in the lab on Wed., Thurs., and Fri. to put your survey online, participate in other surveys, and examine and report on your results. You can use the Google Forms survey template in the lab to publish your survey online.
Mon. Nov. 14
- 20 min. for silent reading.
- Complete your sonnet (any topic). Use the template (p. 9) and instructions on the Shakespearean Sonnet (see page 10-11)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Nov. 7 - 10: Poetry
Mon. Nov. 7 - Thurs. Nov. 10
- The lab is booked for these four classes.
- You will complete the four poetry blogging tasks on the poetry unit assignment sheet.
- In the computer lab, set up your blog at (sign in with your Google Docs username and password. Do not make a new account). You can customize your blog's privacy and comment moderation settings through your Blogger Dashboard "settings" and "comments" tabs.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Oct. 31 - Nov. 4: Short Stories
***Term 1 ends Fri. Nov. 4***
Wed. Nov. 10/10
- Shakespearean sonnets: Today we'll review the characteristics of a sonnet.
- Review the sonnet lesson.
- View the video of David Gilmour of Pink Floyd singing Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
Mon. Oct. 31 - Thurs. Nov. 3
- Today, we are working in the lab
- You will start the Team Short Story Assignment.
- Consult the Seventh Sanctum Story Generator or Story Ideas for writing ideas.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Oct. 24 - 28: Short Stories
** Quiz (14 Marks) on "The Painted Door" on Mon. Oct. 24
** Quiz (14 Marks) on "Two Fishermen" on Tues. Oct. 25
** Quiz (14 Marks) on "The Late Man" on Wed. Oct.26
Thurs. Oct. 27 and Fri. Oct. 28
-Read "There's Always a Motive" and "We Have To Sit Opposite."
- Complete the questions for homework - DUE Mon. Oct. 31
- Review comma exercise 1 and comma exercise 2
Wed. Oct. 26
- Quiz "The Late Man" (14 marks)
***Blk. B will continue viewing chapters of the documentary : Digital Nation (PBS Frontline) The Late Man by skssen
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Tues. Oct. 25
- 15 min. silent reading / review for quiz
- Quiz - "Two Fishermen" (14 marks)
- Read "The Late Man" on p. 98 of Tigers of the Snow. Quiz on Wed. Oct. 26.
Mon. Oct. 24
- View the video "The Painted Door" and discuss the questions.
- Write the quiz (14 marks)
- Start reading "Two Fishermen" in Tigers of the Snow.
** Quiz (14 Marks) on "Two Fishermen" on Tues. Oct. 25
** Quiz (14 Marks) on "The Late Man" on Wed. Oct.26
Thurs. Oct. 27 and Fri. Oct. 28
-Read "There's Always a Motive" and "We Have To Sit Opposite."
- Complete the questions for homework - DUE Mon. Oct. 31
- Review comma exercise 1 and comma exercise 2
Wed. Oct. 26
- Quiz "The Late Man" (14 marks)
***Blk. B will continue viewing chapters of the documentary : Digital Nation (PBS Frontline) The Late Man by skssen
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Tues. Oct. 25
- 15 min. silent reading / review for quiz
- Quiz - "Two Fishermen" (14 marks)
- Read "The Late Man" on p. 98 of Tigers of the Snow. Quiz on Wed. Oct. 26.
Mon. Oct. 24
- View the video "The Painted Door" and discuss the questions.
- Write the quiz (14 marks)
- Start reading "Two Fishermen" in Tigers of the Snow.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Oct. 17 -20: Short Stories
***Reading Preferences sheet / paragraphs DUE Mon. Oct. 17***
***Alchemist Mind Map DUE Thurs. Oct. 26***- Commas with coordinating conjunctions
- Commas with introductory elements
- Apostrophes
- Colons
- Quotation Marks
- Quiz on punctuation
Thurs. Oct. 20
- Read "The Painted Door" by Sinclair Ross on p. 47 of Tigers of the Snow.
- Discuss the questions in groups in preparation for the quiz on Thursday.
Wed. Oct. 19
-Read "The Firing Squad" by Colin McDougall on p. 69.
-Discuss the questions. Then write the practice quiz.
Tues. Oct. 18 - The Alchemist
Novel Setting Map
- Finish work on your computer-generated mind map. After, use the links above to review punctuation skills.
- Review the mind map assignment (work alone assignment) and evaluation rubric
- Go to Google -> More -> Documents
- Set up a Google Docs account (need email and password)
- Create a new Google Drawing mind map for your Alchemist novel topic selection.
- When finished, email your mind map to me (with full name and block)
- Read: "The Sound of Hollyhocks" by Hugh Garner on p. 7 of Tigers of the Snow.
- Discuss the story questions. Then, write the practice quiz.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Oct. 11 - 14: The Alchemist
***25 mark multiple-choice quiz on part one of The Alchemist on Tues. Oct. 11 Study Notes
***This week, we will continue viewing chapters of the documentary : Digital Nation (PBS Frontline)
Fri. Oct. 14 - The Alchemist
Novel Setting Map
- The new K-Library computer lab is booked today and Friday.
- Work on your computer-generated mind map.
Thurs. Oct. 13
- Watch Will Smith's endorsement of The Alchemist.
-- Is focus, hustle and hard work enough to achieve a dream?
-- Does this celebrity's endorsement influence how you receive this book?
-- How much should we invest in our dreams? (time, money, energy)
-- Is Santiago more realistic than the Wiretap interviewee, Adam, who is seeking the woman of his dreams?
-- How do we rationally evaluate our dreams?
Read: The Alchemist from p. 80
Wed. Oct. 12
- The new K-Library computer lab is booked today and Friday.
- Work on your computer-generated mind map.
Tues. Oct. 11
***This week, we will continue viewing chapters of the documentary : Digital Nation (PBS Frontline)
Fri. Oct. 14 - The Alchemist
Novel Setting Map
- The new K-Library computer lab is booked today and Friday.
- Work on your computer-generated mind map.
- Review the mind map assignment (work alone assignment) and evaluation rubric
- Go to Google -> More -> Documents
- Set up a Google Docs account (need email and password)
- Create a new Google Drawing mind map for your Alchemist novel topic selection.
- When finished, email your mind map to me (with full name and block)
Thurs. Oct. 13
- Watch Will Smith's endorsement of The Alchemist.
-- Is focus, hustle and hard work enough to achieve a dream?
-- Does this celebrity's endorsement influence how you receive this book?
-- How much should we invest in our dreams? (time, money, energy)
-- Is Santiago more realistic than the Wiretap interviewee, Adam, who is seeking the woman of his dreams?
-- How do we rationally evaluate our dreams?
Read: The Alchemist from p. 80
Wed. Oct. 12
- The new K-Library computer lab is booked today and Friday.
- Work on your computer-generated mind map.
- Review the mind map assignment (work alone assignment) and evaluation rubric
- Go to Google -> More -> Documents
- Set up a Google Docs account (need email and password)
- Create a new Google Drawing mind map for your Alchemist novel topic selection.
- When finished, email your mind map to me (with full name and block)
Tues. Oct. 11
- 25 mark multiple choice quiz after 25 min. of review (see study notes above)
- Continue completion of "Dreams" mind map sub-topics (two) and staple to test.
- Introduce computer mind mapping assignment for Wednesday's class
- Start Part 2 of The Alchemist (p. 51 -71).
- Continue PBS Frontline: Digital Nation
Monday, October 3, 2011
Oct. 3 - 7: The Alchemist
***Fraud Crossword (10 marks) Due Fri. Oct. 7***
Fri. Oct. 7- The Alchemist
Novel Setting Map
- Finish reviewing questions and notes on The Alchemist. Review the study notes for the quiz on Tuesday.
-Today, we will start viewing chapters of the documentary : Digital Nation (PBS Frontline)
Thurs. Oct. 6
- 25 min. of silent reading and assignment completion.
- Start your paragraph responses for the reading survey.
- Continue to complete crossword puzzles and mind map on two subtopics of "Dreams."
- Finish watching part 2 of the "One on One" interview (Al Jazeera) Part 1 - Part 2
Wed. Oct. 5
- Blk. B only - Review questions and notes on the introduction and prologue.
( mind map exercise on the theme "Dreams")
- Paulo Coelho has a Web site and is on Facebook and Twitter.
- There are plans for a movie version of The Alchemist
- continue reading The Alchemist from p. 21.
- Start paragraph summary of the results of the student reading survey.
Tues. Oct. 4
- Group reading survey analysis and paragraph response
- Review questions and notes on the introduction and prologue.
- Become familiar with the author Paulo Coelho. Review the biographical article.
- Continue reading The Alchemist from p. 10.
Mon. Oct. 3
- Review the elements of fiction.
- Read to the introduction (complete ques. 1-4) and read the prologue (take notes).
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is reported to be the fifth most read book in the world. It holds the Guiness Book World Record for the most translated book by a living author (67 languages). Source 10 Most Read Books in the World.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sept. 27 - 30: Media Studies
***Media Celebrity Activism Worksheet - Due Wed. Sept. 28***
***Essay; Bibliography; Outline; Mark sheet - Due Fri. Sept. 30***
***News update on Canada's Crime Bill (online spying story)***
Fri. Sept. 30
- The lab is booked. Type your two paragraphs on formal / informal essays and celebrity activism. (12 marks)
- Double - space, include paragraph titles and your full name and block.
- Use any remaining time to complete other unfinished assignments or read in the library.
Thurs. Sept. 29
- 20 min. silent reading
- Peer edit student paragraphs
- Work on crossword puzzles using RCMP Student Fraud Guide
Wed. Sept. 28 - Media, Celebrity and Global Activism
- 20 min. of silent reading
- View and discuss the video "The Bonoization of Aid" and "Paul McCartney Protests Seal Hunt."
- Read article " Big Name Celebs Irk Canadian Government."
- List Pros and Cons of celebrity activism.
- Writing response topic: Media Celebrity Activiism: Altruism or Self-Promotion?
Tues. Sept. 27 - Media, Celebrity and Global Activism
Complete these two tasks in the computer lab:
***Essay; Bibliography; Outline; Mark sheet - Due Fri. Sept. 30***
***News update on Canada's Crime Bill (online spying story)***
Fri. Sept. 30
- The lab is booked. Type your two paragraphs on formal / informal essays and celebrity activism. (12 marks)
- Double - space, include paragraph titles and your full name and block.
- Use any remaining time to complete other unfinished assignments or read in the library.
Thurs. Sept. 29
- 20 min. silent reading
- Peer edit student paragraphs
- Work on crossword puzzles using RCMP Student Fraud Guide
Wed. Sept. 28 - Media, Celebrity and Global Activism
- 20 min. of silent reading
- View and discuss the video "The Bonoization of Aid" and "Paul McCartney Protests Seal Hunt."
- Read article " Big Name Celebs Irk Canadian Government."
- List Pros and Cons of celebrity activism.
- Writing response topic: Media Celebrity Activiism: Altruism or Self-Promotion?
Tues. Sept. 27 - Media, Celebrity and Global Activism
Complete these two tasks in the computer lab:
- **Review the media representation piece from the United Nations Refugee Agency. Write point form responses on the deconstructing media handout.
- **Visit Look to the Stars and complete the celebrity information chart for any five people.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sept. 19 - 23: Media Studies
***Annotated bibliography; outline; essay DUE Fri. Sept. 30***
Fri. Sept. 23
- Lab 2 is booked: Revise and type good copy of essay
- Topic: Three Places I'd Visit If I Had Another Month of Summer
Thurs. Sept. 22 - Media Awareness / "Militainment"
- 20 min. of silent reading.
- Article discussion: How Your Taxpayer Dollars Subsidize Pro-War Movies
We will view this investigative report about the connections between the media and the military.
View sample military recruiting ads from around the world on Ad Lab
Wed. Sept. 21 - Media Awareness / Peer Editing
Today, we'll review the purpose of peer editing and practice editing first draft essays / paragraphs from other classes.
Fri. Sept. 23
- Lab 2 is booked: Revise and type good copy of essay
- Topic: Three Places I'd Visit If I Had Another Month of Summer
Thurs. Sept. 22 - Media Awareness / "Militainment"
- 20 min. of silent reading.
- Article discussion: How Your Taxpayer Dollars Subsidize Pro-War Movies
We will view this investigative report about the connections between the media and the military.
View sample military recruiting ads from around the world on Ad Lab
Wed. Sept. 21 - Media Awareness / Peer Editing
Today, we'll review the purpose of peer editing and practice editing first draft essays / paragraphs from other classes.
Tues. Sept. 20 - Media Awareness
- students should bring a book for silent reading at the start of class.
- bring your 5 paragraph essay outline that you completed in class yesterday.
See: Sample Essay Outline
Mon. Sept. 19
- students should bring a book for silent reading at the start of class.
- bring your 5 paragraph essay outline that you completed in class yesterday.
See: Sample Essay Outline
- Today, you'll write the first draft of your five paragraph essay in class (informal style).
Essay Question: If you had one more month of vacation time, which three places would you visit?Mon. Sept. 19
- We'll review the five paragraph essay outline, introductory paragraph and thesis development.
- Use the 5 paragraph essay template to write your essay outline this class. On Tuesday, you'll write your first draft.
Essay Question: If you had one more month of vacation time, which three places or areas would you visit?
See: Sample Essay Outline Friday, September 9, 2011
Sept. 12 - 16: Media Privacy
*** Privacy Grid Worksheet Due Fri. Sept. 16***
Thurs. Sept. 15 - Fri. Sept. 16
- If you were absent on Thursday, complete the reading preferences survey in class and then complete the online survey in the computer lab.
- You have these two lab classes to type the good copy of your 5 entry annotated bibliography in alphabetical order (1.5 or double spaced)
- You can use the Citation Machine to help you format your entries in MLA style (just select the type of publication and fill in the form)
- See the sample online MLA annotation style
- When you are finished, try one or two of the online quizzes:
Wed. Sept. 14
- 20 min. of silent reading
Blk. B: Group media topic discussions
Complete the social media organizer
Blk. C: Complete side 2 of the Privacy Grid activity
Complete the social media organizer
Tues. Sept. 13
- 20 min. of silent reading
- Complete side two of the Personal Privacy Grid activity.
- View and discuss the issue of geotagging privacy infringement (see two videos below).
- Continue work on bibliography entries.
- Blk. B: Group discussions on student submitted media topics.
Mon. Sept. 12
- 20 min. of silent reading
- Personal privacy grid activity: Compare your grid with several other students and write a paragraph about your own views on personal information privacy.
- View video on Facebook photo facial recognition capabilities.
- Complete another bibliography entry.
Thurs. Sept. 15 - Fri. Sept. 16
- If you were absent on Thursday, complete the reading preferences survey in class and then complete the online survey in the computer lab.
- You have these two lab classes to type the good copy of your 5 entry annotated bibliography in alphabetical order (1.5 or double spaced)
- You can use the Citation Machine to help you format your entries in MLA style (just select the type of publication and fill in the form)
- See the sample online MLA annotation style
- When you are finished, try one or two of the online quizzes:
- Facebook privacy quiz (developed by the American Civil Liberties Union)
- What Kind of Tech User Are You? (Pew Research Center)
Wed. Sept. 14
- 20 min. of silent reading
Blk. B: Group media topic discussions
Complete the social media organizer
Blk. C: Complete side 2 of the Privacy Grid activity
Complete the social media organizer
Tues. Sept. 13
- 20 min. of silent reading
- Complete side two of the Personal Privacy Grid activity.
- View and discuss the issue of geotagging privacy infringement (see two videos below).
- Continue work on bibliography entries.
- Blk. B: Group discussions on student submitted media topics.
Mon. Sept. 12
- 20 min. of silent reading
- Personal privacy grid activity: Compare your grid with several other students and write a paragraph about your own views on personal information privacy.
- View video on Facebook photo facial recognition capabilities.
- Complete another bibliography entry.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sept. 6 - 9: Media Studies
Thurs. Sept. 8 - Fri. Sept. 9
- 20 min. silent reading / assignment completion.
- Discuss terms: privacy and anonymity (discuss article).
- Complete a Venn diagram on places and spaces where you think you can achieve privacy and anonymity.
- View video about Psiphon circumvention technology developed at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto.
- Complete your second of five annotated bibliography entries.
- View the informational video for more discussion on the contentious "lawful access" bill.
Petitions have been launched to oppose this bill:
- Canadian Civil Liberties Assn. "Stop Cyber Surveillance" printable postcard.
- "Stop Online Spying" petition.
Wed. Sept. 7
- 20 min. silent reading / write out your fascinating media question and hand in.
- Review formal and informal essay style. Underline the five most important characteristics of each and summarize on a Venn diagram.
- Discuss MLA and APA bibliography formats.
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for two samples of travel media.
Tues. Sept. 6 - Welcome to English 11.
Today we will review the course outline and expectations.
Discussion Items:
- 20 min. silent reading / assignment completion.
- Discuss terms: privacy and anonymity (discuss article).
- Complete a Venn diagram on places and spaces where you think you can achieve privacy and anonymity.
- View video about Psiphon circumvention technology developed at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto.
- Complete your second of five annotated bibliography entries.
- View the informational video for more discussion on the contentious "lawful access" bill.
Petitions have been launched to oppose this bill:
- Canadian Civil Liberties Assn. "Stop Cyber Surveillance" printable postcard.
- "Stop Online Spying" petition.
Wed. Sept. 7
- 20 min. silent reading / write out your fascinating media question and hand in.
- Review formal and informal essay style. Underline the five most important characteristics of each and summarize on a Venn diagram.
- Discuss MLA and APA bibliography formats.
- Old media focus: Travel media - Write annotated bibliography entries for two samples of travel media.
Tues. Sept. 6 - Welcome to English 11.
Today we will review the course outline and expectations.
Discussion Items:
- Seating plan
- Course blog
- Silent reading
- Study block
- Academic aspirations
- Evaluation
- Assignment completion
- Essays
- Tests
- Re-writes / add-on assignment
- No government final exam
- Email contact (assignments only). Parents should phone school.
- Literary theme(s) of this course: Dreams and self-determination
- Media literacy unit / review
Friday, January 21, 2011
Jan. 24: Final Class
Please help SKSS students win the Vancouver Sun's video contest.
Click and view their entry Teens Against Gangs video
Jan. 24: Final Class
- the old lab is booked.
- complete the October Sky essay. Hand in a typed copy stapled to your outline.
-Topic / Thesis : The rocket boys' achievements are facilitated by several important factors: time, place, and community support.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Jan. 17 - 21: October Sky
FINAL DEADLINE for Term 2 work is Fri. Jan. 21
Did you know that there is a Rocket Boys musical?
News: Big Creek High school demolition
Please view the Teens Against Gangs video
Did you know that there is a Rocket Boys musical?
News: Big Creek High school demolition
Please view the Teens Against Gangs video
Fri. Jan. 21
- Finish watching October Sky movie
- Finish assignments, reading, essay preparation.
Thurs. Jan. 20
- K-library old lab is booked. Finish assignments, reading, essay preparation.
- If finished, try interactive rocketry:
Wed. Jan. 19 Homework: Read ch. 22-23 for Thursday
- Silent reading (15 min.)
- October Sky movie (part 2)
Tues. Jan. 18 Homework: Read ch. 20-21 for Wednesday
- Silent reading (25 min.)
- October Sky movie (part 1)
Mon. Jan. 17 Homework: Read ch. 17-19 for Tuesday
- Continue working on final essay outline - Finish watching October Sky movie
- Finish assignments, reading, essay preparation.
Thurs. Jan. 20
- K-library old lab is booked. Finish assignments, reading, essay preparation.
- If finished, try interactive rocketry:
- NASA Rocket Science 101
- NASA Launch It
- NASA Bottle Rocket Simulator
- Rocket Simulator
- NASA Interactive Media
Wed. Jan. 19 Homework: Read ch. 22-23 for Thursday
- Silent reading (15 min.)
- October Sky movie (part 2)
Tues. Jan. 18 Homework: Read ch. 20-21 for Wednesday
- Silent reading (25 min.)
- October Sky movie (part 1)
Mon. Jan. 17 Homework: Read ch. 17-19 for Tuesday
Friday, January 7, 2011
Jan. 10 - 14: October Sky
FINAL DEADLINE for Term 2 work is Fri. Jan. 21
***Ch. 3-7 assignments (58 marks) due on Fri. Jan. 14 (5 mark late deduction)***
Did you know that there is a Rocket Boys musical?
Fri. Jan. 14 Homework: Read to end of ch. 16 for Monday
- Finish ch. 3-7 assignments (Due today)
- To better understand the historical and political setting of the novel, view "Cold War Politics in the Space Race."
Thurs. Jan. 13 Homework: Finish reading chapter 13 for Fri. Jan. 14
- Work on Ch.3 - 7 assignments (58 marks) Due. Thurs. Jan. 14
- Review the final essay topic (to be written Jan. 24th) and outline template:
Topic: The rocket boys' achievements are facilitated by several important factors: time, place, and community support.
Mon. Jan. 10 - Wed. Jan. 12 Homework: Finish reading chapter 12 for Thurs. Jan. 13
- Complete chapter 4 paragraph research in the library lab. Look for information on the paragraph topics (Black Lung disease and the Vanguard Rocket project). Use this information to write well-organized paragraphs about these topics.
- If you finish this assignment, continue reading and working on the other chapter 3 - 7 October Sky assignments. If you have finished these, you can watch the biography of Wernher von Braun.
- Watch Part 3 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
***Ch. 3-7 assignments (58 marks) due on Fri. Jan. 14 (5 mark late deduction)***
Did you know that there is a Rocket Boys musical?
Fri. Jan. 14 Homework: Read to end of ch. 16 for Monday
- Finish ch. 3-7 assignments (Due today)
- To better understand the historical and political setting of the novel, view "Cold War Politics in the Space Race."
Thurs. Jan. 13 Homework: Finish reading chapter 13 for Fri. Jan. 14
- Work on Ch.3 - 7 assignments (58 marks) Due. Thurs. Jan. 14
- Review the final essay topic (to be written Jan. 24th) and outline template:
Topic: The rocket boys' achievements are facilitated by several important factors: time, place, and community support.
Mon. Jan. 10 - Wed. Jan. 12 Homework: Finish reading chapter 12 for Thurs. Jan. 13
- Complete chapter 4 paragraph research in the library lab. Look for information on the paragraph topics (Black Lung disease and the Vanguard Rocket project). Use this information to write well-organized paragraphs about these topics.
- If you finish this assignment, continue reading and working on the other chapter 3 - 7 October Sky assignments. If you have finished these, you can watch the biography of Wernher von Braun.
- Watch Part 3 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Jan. 4 - 7, 2011: October Sky
***Personal Legend Book Tour Slideshow is overdue (60 marks)***
Fri. Jan. 7/11 Homework for Mon. Jan. 10th: Read ch. 7 and 8
- Background information on Wernher von Braun
Thurs. Jan. 6/11 Homework for Fri. Jan. 7th: Read ch. 5 and 6
- Review October Sky ch. 2 questions.
- Watch Part 2 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
- Rocket Boys - The Musical website
- Homer Hickam - Facebook
Wed., Jan. 5/11 Homework for Thurs. Jan. 6th: Read ch. 3 and 4
- Review chapter 1 and 2 questions.
- Watch Part 1 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
Tues., Jan. 4/11 Homework for Wed. Jan. 5th: Read ch. 1 and 2.
- In our final month of English 11, we'll be reading the novel October Sky. This memoir, written by Homer Hickam, is the first of Hickam's Coalwood trilogy, which also includes The Coalwood Way and Sky of Stone.
- October Sky, originally published as Rocket Boys, is set in Coalwood, West Virginia. Watch the video below to learn about this town.
Fri. Jan. 7/11 Homework for Mon. Jan. 10th: Read ch. 7 and 8
- Background information on Wernher von Braun
Thurs. Jan. 6/11 Homework for Fri. Jan. 7th: Read ch. 5 and 6
- Review October Sky ch. 2 questions.
- Watch Part 2 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
- Rocket Boys - The Musical website
- Homer Hickam - Facebook
Wed., Jan. 5/11 Homework for Thurs. Jan. 6th: Read ch. 3 and 4
- Review chapter 1 and 2 questions.
- Watch Part 1 of the Homer Hickam interview, then continue reading October Sky.
Tues., Jan. 4/11 Homework for Wed. Jan. 5th: Read ch. 1 and 2.
- In our final month of English 11, we'll be reading the novel October Sky. This memoir, written by Homer Hickam, is the first of Hickam's Coalwood trilogy, which also includes The Coalwood Way and Sky of Stone.
- October Sky, originally published as Rocket Boys, is set in Coalwood, West Virginia. Watch the video below to learn about this town.
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