Saturday, April 14, 2012

Apr. 17 - 20: Macbeth

***DUE Tues. Apr. 17: Poetry Blogs***

Fri. Apr. 20/12   Macbeth Online Play   Translated Macbeth Online

- Essay Assignment: In the lab, you'll be working on the first and second paragraphs of your formal style five paragraph essay on Macbeth's character.
(45 marks) Your five paragraph essay should include:

Essay: Macbeth's Character
Criteria: 45 marks - Essay must include:
        An original title (2)
        Introduction paragraph with clear thesis statement (6)
        paragraph on Macbeth's character as a general (6)
        paragraph on Macbeth's character as a husband (6)
        paragraph on Macbeth's character as king (6)
        Concluding paragraph (6)
        2 primary source in-text citations (MLA format) (4)
        2 secondary source in-text citations (MLA) (4)
        reference list (MLA format; hanging indent; alphabetical) (5)

Here is a sample introductory paragraph that you can use or modify:

     The tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is a play about unchecked ambition. The central figure Macbeth is a complex character whose decisions and actions ultimately destroy his own humanity. Macbeth displays conflicting traits and behaviors that are revealed through his roles as military general, husband, and king. (Last sentence is the essay thesis statement)

- In the body paragraphs, discuss Macbeth's character traits below:
Second paragraph
Military General (trusted, brave, loyal, noble, courageous, respected, and skilled; capable of killing in battle; seen as protector; takes pride in his actions; influenced by witches, mentally stable; has friends and is part of a fraternity of Thanes)
   Third paragraph
Husband (faithful/ loving toward wife; wants to please wife and have her think he is manly; influenced/manipulated by wife; ambitious; experiences self-doubt/remorse over plotting, decisions and actions; realizes his desires are corrupt; his anxiety over Duncan's murder leads to emotional torment/hallucinations; poisonous partnership)
   Fourth paragraph
King (not virtuous; corruptly crowned; suspicious, paranoid, self-centred, distrustful, and vengeful; insomniac; mentally unstable; becomes increasingly murderous; detached and alone)
Concluding paragraph
Summarize your key points and re-state the thesis in a different way.

MLA Format
- Add 2 primary source quotes and references (from the play).
- Add 2 secondary source quotes and references (found outside the play).
***Use MLA style on the Citation Machine  or citation button on Shmoop and Cliff Notes. Consult your MLA Citation - Shakespeare handout.

***Secondary Source In-Text Citation Example:
          Macbeth seems easily influenced; "Macbeth 'catches' evil" (Gill xx) through the influences of his wife and the witches.
***Primary Source In-Text Citation Example:
          Macbeth begins to unravel even before he commits murder: "A dagger of the mind, a false creation,/ Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?" (Mac. 2.1.38-39)

Works Cited
(Arrange reference list in alphabetical order; hanging indent MLA format)
***Secondary Source Reference Example: 
Gill, Roma, ed. "Macbeth: The Man" in Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. (use hanging indent)
***Primary Source Reference Example: 
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth: Oxford School Shakespeare. Ed. Roma Gill. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997. Print.  (use hanging indent)

Other secondary sources:

Read "Macbeth: The Man" pp. xx-xxiii
Shmoop Macbeth  
Cliff Notes

Wed. Apr. 18 - Thurs. Apr. 19  Macbeth Online Play   Translated Macbeth Online

- Continue work on Macbeth episodes 7 - 11. Finish these for Friday, Apr. 20.
Episode 7 (Act III sc 5 - Act IV sc 1)
Episode 8 (Act IV sc 2-3)
Episode 9 (Act V sc 1)
Episode 10 (Act V sc 2-5)
Episode 11 (Act V sc 6-7)

- We're watching the Macbeth movie in class. If you're absent you can watch parts of the stage play or the PBS version of the movie online:

Watch Macbeth on PBS. See more from GREAT PERFORMANCES.

Tues. Apr. 17/12 Macbeth Online Play   Translated Macbeth Online
- Class discussion on the first of three roles of Macbeth (military general).
- View the Macbeth Basics DVD
- Use the summary / question sheets below to answer questions about Macbeth:
Japanese director Akira Kurosawa adapted Macbeth for a Japanese audience in this 1957 movie, Throne of Blood.

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