**FINAL EXAM ESSAY In class on Thurs. June 14**
**FINAL EXAM Questions: Blk. F on Fri. June 15 / G on Mon. June 18
***FINAL DEADLINE for assignment completion is Thurs. June 14***
**FINAL EXAM practice questions**
**Virtual Lit Poetry Analysis Review**
***Personality, Interests and Skills Survey***
Fri. June 15 EEFF Double blocks
- Block F - Final Exam today.
Thurs. June 14
- Final Exam in-class essay today.
Wed. June 13
Conclude The Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux.
- We will view part one of the movie on Monday and part two on Wednesday.
The main character Allie Fox (Harrison Ford) takes his family in
pursuit of his own dream or "personal legend." Do the other members of
the Fox family share this dream? What are the results of this adventure
for these characters?
Tues. June 12
- The lab is booked for this class to work on assignment completion.
Mon. June 11- Introduction to The Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux.
- We will view part one of the movie on Monday and part two on Wednesday.
- The main character Allie Fox (Harrison Ford) takes his family in pursuit of his own dream or "personal legend." Do the other members of the Fox family share this dream? What are the results of this adventure for these characters?