Friday, June 1, 2012

June 4 - 8: Documentary Genre

**FINAL EXAM ESSAY In class on Thurs. June 14**
**FINAL EXAM Questions: Blk. F on Fri. June 15 / G on Mon. June 18
***FINAL  DEADLINE for assignment completion is Thurs. June 14*** 

**FINAL EXAM practice questions**  
**Virtual Lit Poetry Analysis Review**
***Personality, Interests and Skills Survey***

Tues. June 5 - Wed. June 6 - Fri. June 8, 2012

- The lab is booked for Tues. Wed. and Fri. this week.
- Continue work on the Google Presentation "Personal Legend Book Tour." You have these classes to finish your tour.
- Use the Google Presentation template. See the sample slides.

Mon. June 4 / Thurs. June 7 2012 - Today is BlackOutSpeakOut Day

- Review last week's documentary, The Last Mountain.
- What were the film's strengths and weaknesses? How do you evaluate the film's treatment of the topic? Was it fair? Was it balanced? Must a documentary film be balanced? What was the objective of the filmmaker? Did the filmmaker succeed?
- Review the Economy or Ecology case study.  Discuss this ethical dilemma.
- What is the status of the Occupy Movement? What is it about? Is it over? Is it valid?
- Review the study guide for the documentary The Corporation. This is a Canadian made documentary film.
- As we view this documentary, complete the tasks on the reflection worksheet. This sheet is worth 7 bonus marks.
- If you are interested in extending your awareness about current Canadian environmental concerns, visit the recently launched website BlackOutSpeakOut. It is a collaborative effort of leading environmental advocacy groups in Canada. This group has analyzed the top ten environmental concerns regarding Bill C-38.

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