Friday, May 29, 2015

June 1 - 5, 2015: October Sky

FINAL MARKING DEADLINE for May work - Fri. June 12
OCTOBER SKY Chapter ques. DUE Mon. June 15
DUE Fri. June 5 - Creative nonfiction mountain experience paragraph (6)  

Fri. June 5, 2015

- Documentary film is an effective storytelling medium that is increasingly focused on social, political, and environmental issues / activism.
- We will be viewing The Last Mountain, which tells the story of controversial mountaintop removal mining practices used in West Virginia (the setting of the novel October Sky).
- Start work on the documentary reflection chart and paragraph responses. Consult the discussion guide if you've missed this documentary. This CDC graphic shows the prevalence of cancer in proximity to MTR coal mines. Physicians for Social Responsibility have produced the Coal's Assault on Human Health document.


Thurs. June 4, 2015 - October Sky chapter summaries
- The setting of the story October Sky is the small town of Coalwood in the mountains of West Virginia. This rugged landscape is an important element in the storytelling about the town, its economy and the activities of the inhabitants. In British Columbia, mountains are also an important part of our landscape, which shapes our culture and stories.
- We will reflect on our mountain connections and develop a list of adjectives while viewing the short documentary Mountains in Motion.
- Complete the October Sky Connections sheet on the theme of mountains. Review the characteristics of creative nonfiction on the back of the sheet and write a narrative creative nonfiction paragraph according to the instructions.

Wed. June 3, 2015
- Continue reading and work on chapter questions for October Sky.
- View part 2 of the Homer Hickam interview.
 - Group discussion questions.

Tues. June 2, 2015
- Lab 1 in the library is booked to work on ch. 4 and ch. 8 paragraph questions.
- The link on your ch. 8 question sheet is no longer active; use the link below to find the article for the chapter 8 paragraph:
- In the news, demolition of Big Creek High School is scheduled for this summer. This is Homer Hickam's old high school, which is featured in October Sky.

Mon. June 1, 2015

- Continue reading and completion of ch. 1-8 questions.
- To better understand the historical and political setting of the novel, view "Cold War Politics in the Space Race."

  - Watch Part 1 of the Homer Hickam interview:

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