Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sept. 29 - Oct. 3: The Alchemist

DUE Wed. Oct. 1 - Typed annotated bibliography 
DUE Mon. Oct. 6 - Reading Preferences sheet

Wed. Oct. 1 - Fri. Oct. 3     English Information Form (3 marks)

- The computer lab is booked for several classes this week.  During this time, finish reading the novel while constructing a mind map on one of the novel topics on the assignment sheet.
- Work on your computer-generated mind map project.
  • Review the mind map evaluation rubric and assignment (work alone or with one partner).
  • Go to Google Drive. Click Create button and select Drawing from the drop down list.
  • Create a new Google Drawing mind map for your novel mind map topic selection.
  • Depending on your mindmap topic choice, consult the novel symbolism , the Novel Setting Map and/or the  Study Notes
  • Your mindmap must include at least three (3) quotes with citations.
  • Find images licensed for reuse on Creative Commons search
  • When finished, share your mind map with me ( with full name(s) and block
Tues. Sept. 30 

Lab 1 is booked today. We will be working with Mr. B. on citation and plagiarism topics.
If you have time in the lab, finish the assignments that are due tomorrow. Otherwise, complete these at home.

Mon. Sept. 29 

Lab 120 is booked for this class. Type a good copy of your five entry annotated bibliography.
  • alphabetize entries in proper MLA format
  • use 1.5 line spacing 
  • include a centred title and hanging indent format
  • 4-6 sentence summarizing annotations must be in formal style (third person, present tense verbs, complete sentences, tell how information is useful, fact-based academic tone)
  • proofread carefully for proper capitalization, spelling and punctuation
  • hand in printed copy with your full name and block at top

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome to English 11

Reading Preferences survey
English Information Form (3 marks)

QUIZ on Fri. Sept. 26 Part 1 The Alchemist (25 multiple choice)

Fri. Sept. 26 - The Alchemist      The Alchemist audiobook
- 15 min. for review / reading preparation for quiz
- Part 1 quiz (25 multiple choice)
- Use remaining time to continue reading The Alchemist, finish annotated bibliography, and complete remaining tasks on the Reading Preferences assignment sheet.

Thurs. Sept. 25 - The Alchemist      The Alchemist audiobook
- Read to page 47 (end of Part 1). Search for answers to the questions. Complete up to ques. 8. Do not do ques. 6.
- Continue to review questions and notes
- Why is this book so popular? Do Paulo Coelho's Facebook and Twitter pages provide any clues?

Wed. Sept. 24 - The Alchemist      The Alchemist audiobook
- Read to page 33. Search for answers to the questions. Complete up to ques. 7. Do not do ques. 6.
- Continue to review questions and notes
- Review symbolism in the novel.

In the last half hour, continue work on the annotated bibliography assignment.
- Complete at least three of five annotated bibliography entries for travel media guides available in the classroom.
- See a sample annotated bibliography.


Tues. Sept. 23, 2014 - The Alchemist     The Alchemist audiobook
Start Literature Study: The Alchemist
- Meet author Paulo Coelho. As you read his novel, The Alchemist, and learn more about him, decide whether he fits into the category of celebrity.
- Read to the introduction (complete ques. 1-4) and read the prologue (take notes).
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is reported to be the fifth most read book in the world. It holds the Guiness Book World Record for the most translated book by a living author (71 languages). Source 10 Most Read Books in the World.

In the last half hour, continue work on the annotated bibliography assignment.
- Complete at least two of five annotated bibliography entries for travel media guides available in the classroom.
- See a sample annotated bibliography.

Mon. Sept. 22 - Welcome to English 11           
Today we will review the course outline and expectations.
Discussion Items:
  • Seating plan
  • Course blog / website
  • Silent reading (bring or borrow)
  • Study block 
  • Academic aspirations
  • Evaluation 
  • Assignment completion
  • Essays (informal / formal)
  • Tests
  • Cross grade exam (20%)
  • Email contact (assignments only). Parents should phone school.
  • Literary theme(s) of this course: Dreams and self-determination
  • Media studies unit / review  (tourism media, media bias, privacy, celebrity topics)
 - Review formal and informal writing style comparison notes. Underline the seven most important characteristics of each and create a Venn diagram outline in preparation for a paragraph that contrasts formal and informal writing styles (point of view; subject; tone; structure; thesis placement; vocabulary; purpose).

Gumhead Statue
Expectation of Privacy Online